The Amazing Adventures of Rand and Ella!

Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Carlsbad Caverns, part 3!

The second morning in Carlsbad I decided to take the kids to Sitting Bull Falls - I had seen reviews online saying it was hard to get to but worth it - and when I saw a sign on the freeway pointing the way I figured we should go for it. It was 36 miles down a tiny road, but after we parked we only had to walk a short ways to a gorgeous waterfall, swimming holes, and lots of little creeks to explore. We spent about five hours there and only left when the kids were wiped. Rand and Ella both tore holes in their swimsuits from sliding down rocks, so you know that they had fun!

Daisy had a wonderful time rearranging the rocks everywhere. After that we picked Doug up and went back to the caverns for a tour of the Big a Room. Just amazing.

We went to dinner at No Whiner Diner, which was delicious with a cute little playground. Such a nice ending to a fun day!


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