That's how it's felt that last few weeks....after months of little to no dog training or boarding, May was super busy and June, while a little slower, is still going strong. Currently we have our two dogs, two Cocker Spaniel puppies, and an ancient little black dog staying at our house. Add to that the end of the school year for Werner, and then he went out of town for a week, along with all of the normal cooking-cleaning-maintenance-of-two-small-children, and while nothing much has happened, the days go by very quickly.
Werner is done with school and is working hard at getting the high school's theater in working shape by the time the school year begins. It's been pretty neglected the last few years, so there's loads of trash to be thrown away, sound systems to explore, and lots of paper to organize.
We took Rand to see his first real movie theater movie. We saw "Up," and while it was lots of fun, it was pretty intense for him.
Both kids are loving the swimming pool. We got Rand a life jacket and he's starting to get comfortable dog paddling around without holding onto mom or dad's hand. We're still close by, of course, but he gets good and tired out kicking his way around the pool!
The following photos were taken at Rand's request -- we did not lock him inside the dog crate. He's also just pretending to be asleep. The orange necklace hanging from the top is a smoke detector. 
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